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Mova Arts Festival 2004 Songwriters Competition Now Accepting Entries

March 8, 2006 Special Radio Moscow  Promotion No Comments

80-100 semi-finalists are selected to perform in up to 11 different music categories for over $10,000 in cash awards, paid booking opportunities, and recording time. Festival is held September 17 – 19. Early Bird Deadline: May 15, 2004.

Ison Live Radio accepts music in most formats

March 8, 2006 Special Radio Moscow  Promotion No Comments

Australian Internet radio Ison Live Radio accepts music in most formats all year round. As they program almost entirely independent music there are always openings for new content every week. Artists should send their material via Post: Music Department Ison Live Radio, P.O. Box 532, NEWCASTLE N.S.W. 2300 Australia attn: Sean Ison Please include your […]

World Music Wanted

March 8, 2006 Special Radio Moscow  Promotion No Comments

Creative Artsy Ethnic Alternative world music wanted by Publishing Company (Hollywood, CA) for TV and film placement. Additional information can be obtained at

Radio Crystal Blue from NYC

March 8, 2006 Special Radio Moscow  Promotion No Comments

Radio Crystal Blue is heard every Sunday evening from NYC as a great guide to what’s happening on the independent artist music scene. If you are a musician (or represent one) and have a 2002 or later CD, and would like airplay, please mail off at Dan Herman Radio Crystal Blue 3655 Shore Pkwy #1F […]

eoRadio accepts music

March 8, 2006 Special Radio Moscow  Promotion No Comments

eoRadio accepts music of indie artists. The core genre for the station is commercially bent (ie Alternative, Pop, Modern Rock, Electronica, etc.) If you are interested in finding out more about submitting your material please visit More information can be obtained at Äîïîëíèòåëüíóþ èíôîðìàöèþ ìîæíî ïîëó÷èòü ïî àäðåñó

Syphrus Recordings looks for artists who will have a long-term career

March 8, 2006 Special Radio Moscow  Promotion No Comments

Syphrus Recordings looks for artists with a musical vision and a committment to the scene in their community. The label is artists working with artists; they don’t provide something for nothing. It requires dedication – there are no overnight success stories, and they aren’t looking for a "quick hit". This is one label that still […]